Antico Edition RCM3
Renaissance Church Music
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Title: Four motets from the Song of Songs RCM3 cover
Composer: Johannes de Lymburgia
Editor: Ann Lewis
Reference: RCM3
Price (GBP): 5.00
Description: Nearly fifty compositions by Johannes de Lymburgia are known to survive—an impressive total for a man who is scarcely more than a name in the reference books. Presumably he came from Limburg in Belgium, and he may be identifiable with a namesake who was cantor of Vicenza cathedral in 1431. These four pieces—Pulcra es amica mea, Descendi in ortum meum, Surge propera amica mea and Tota pulcra es amica mea—are sonorous, lyrical and fastidiously composed. For three or four solo voices or small choir: A(A)TT or T(T)BarBar. ii + 15 pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-058-8.

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