Antico Edition AE26
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Title: Eleven Ballate AE26 cover
Composer: Niccolò da Perugia
Editor: Stephen Kelly
Reference: AE26
Price (GBP): 5.00
Description: With over forty surviving works, Niccolò is the most prolifically represented Italian fourteenth-century composer after Francesco Landini, his close contemporary. These twelve pieces reveal a polished and fluent technique and a wide stylistic range. For two singers, but also effective on instruments. See also AE28. vi + 13 pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-030-4.
  1. Benché partir da te
  2. Ben di fortuna
  3. Chiamo, non m’è
  4. Chi’l ben sofrir
  5. Dio mi guardi
  6. Donna, poss’io sperare
  7. Il megli’è pur tacere
  8. I’ son tuo, donna
  9. La donna mia
  10. Non più dirò
  11. Tal sotto l’acqua (1)
  12. Tal sotto l’acqua (2)
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