Antico Edition AE25
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Title: Robin and Marion motets, volume II AE25 cover
Composer: Anonymous
Editor: Wyndham Thomas
Reference: AE25
Price (GBP): 6.25
Description: The adventures of the rustic lovers Robin and Marion form the topic of many medieval motets, all of which have been published by Antico Edition (see also AE22 and AE29). The present volume includes fourteen three-voice motets from the thirteenth century from the Montpellier manuscript and the Parisian source known as W2. For three solo singers; also performable instrumentally. xi + 25 pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-029-8.
  1. Par une matinée / Mellis stilla / Domino
  2. Au doz mois / Crux forma / Sustinere
  3. Quant voi / Virgo virginum / Hec dies
  4. L’autrier m’esbatoie / Demenant grant joie / Manere
  5. Encontre le tans / Quant fuellent / In odorem
  6. Quant la froidor / L’autrier chevauchoie / Nostrum
  7. Pour escouter / L’autrier joer / Seculorum amen
  8. Quant voi le douz tans / En Mai / Immolatus
  9. J’ai si bien / Aucun m’ont / Angelus
  10. Quant florist / El mois de Mai / Et gaudebit
  11. Emi, emi, Marotele / Emi, emi / Portare
  12. De la vile / A la vile / Manere
  13. Lés l’ormel / Mayn se leva / Je n’y saindrai
  14. Clap, clap / Sus Robin / Tenor
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