Antico Edition AE40
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Title: Second Book of Five-Voice Madrigals AE40 cover
Composer: Tomaso Pecci
Editor: Wilfred Foxe
Reference: AE40
Price (GBP): 11.75
Description: The Sienese gentleman-amateur composer Tomaso Pecci was included in the list of exponents of the Seconda prattica which Giulio Cesare Monteverdi compiled in defence of his more famous brother Claudio. Published in 1612, these twenty-one madrigals share the text-inspired musical adventurousness characteristic of the more radical composers of the period; but they also display a formal sense and careful craftsmanship lacking in some of Pecci’s contemporaries. For five solo singers, mainly SATTB. xii + 96 pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-144-8.

Sample page(s)

  1. Ch’io mora?
  2. Sospir, che del bel petto
  3. Quel neo
  4. Quel usignol gentile
  5. O chiome erranti
  6. Amor, io parti
  7. Ma che vita
  8. Piaga dolce d’amore
  9. E quant’in te cosperse
  10. Del più leggiadro fiore
  11. Cara amorosa fiamma
  12. Deh torna
  13. Era l’anima mia
  14. Quand’anima
  15. Donna, se m’ancidete
  16. O nelle tue sventure
  17. E pender semiviva
  18. Dolcissimo sospiro
  19. Ma folle a chi ridico
  20. Taci bocca!
  21. Se di veder m’è tolto
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