Antico Edition RCM30
Renaissance Church Music
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Title: The Crowned Rose: Motets for Henry VIII in London, British Library, Royal MS 11 E. XI RCM30 cover
Composer: (Richard?) Sampson; Benedictus de Opitiis; Anonymous
Editor: Anna Parsons and Nick Sandon
Reference: RCM30
Price (GBP): 15.25
Description: The editors believe that this beautifully-illuminated manuscript in the British Library, containing a small collection of motets by ‘Mr Sampson’ (Psallite felices and Quam pulcra es), Benedictus de Opitiis (Sub tuum presidium) and others (Salve radix, Hec est preclarum vas and Beati omnes), was created in 1516 as a gift to Henry VIII, celebrating the birth of his daughter Mary and proclaiming the legitimacy of the Tudor dynasty. The introduction to this illustrated edition discusses the genesis and significance of the manuscript in the light of contemporary politics. For three to five voices: S/AA/TTBarB. xxiv + 28 pages including seven full colour pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-084-7.

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