Antico Edition RCM106
Renaissance Church Music
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Title: Salve regina RCM106 cover
Composer: Nicholas Ludford
Editor: Nick Sandon
Reference: RCM106
Price (GBP): 5.50
Description: Nicholas Ludford was musical director at St Stephen’s Chapel in the royal palace of Westminster from the mid-1520s until its dissolution in 1547. This setting of Salve regina may have been written a few years earlier than his other works in the Peterhouse partbooks, but it shares their melodic cogency and clear sense of harmonic direction. It is based on the same cantus firmus, the plainchant responsory Inclina cor meum deus in testimonia tua, as his votive antiphon Ave Maria ancilla trinitatis (RCM131) and his Mass Inclina cor meum (RCM132). Presumably the words and/or melody of the responsory had especial significance either for Ludford himself or for the institution which employed him. Now in a second edition. For five voices: SATBarB. x + 16 pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-118-9.

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