Antico Edition LCM1
Liturgical Church Music
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Title: The Use of Salisbury:
The Ordinary of the Mass
LCM1 cover
Composer: Plainchant
Editor: Nick Sandon
Reference: LCM1
Price (GBP): 11.25
Description: The first printing of this volume in 1984 marked the beginning of an ambitious project: the first complete edition of the Sarum Mass liturgy with its plainchant to be published for over four hundred years. Salisbury liturgy and chant (often called the ‘Use of Sarum’) were widely used in southern England in the later Middle Ages. This third edition of volume 1, containing all the recurrent material for the celebration of Mass through the year, has been thoroughly revised and greatly amplified. The introduction includes ground and floor plans, illustrations, a historical survey, explanations of concepts underlying the workings of the rite, a calendar, analysis of feast gradings, a synopsis of the course of Mass, discussion of points on which the evidence is ambiguous, inconsistent or incomplete, and an edition of the common and ordinary items of the service. The rubrics of the customary, ordinal and service books are translated into English and glossed where appropriate; the full spoken texts are given in the original Latin; and the plainchant is presented in the classic square notation. lx + 80 pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-044-1.

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