Antico Edition AE20
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Title: Five Portuguese villancicos AE20 cover
Composer: Anonymous
Editor: Manuel Carlos de Brito
Reference: AE20
Price (GBP): 4.50
Description: Most of the secular songs in Portuguese sources of the earlier Renaissance have Spanish texts. This volume contains five anonymous songs from about 1500 with Portuguese texts: Quem tem farelos, De esperança vos vestistes, Que é o que vejo, Perdido polos meus olhos and Porque me näo vês Joana. Four of them are courtly love songs, while the fifth is a vigorous dialogue between a street vendor and a customer. All are in three parts and can be performed as part-songs, accompanied solo songs or instrumental pieces. i + 8 pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-024-3.
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