Antico Edition AE15
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Title: Two 14th-century motets in praise of music AE15 cover
Composer: Bernard de Cluny, Johannes Alanus
Editor: Margaret Bent
Reference: AE15
Price (GBP): 4.75
Description: The texts of several medieval motets praise contemporary musicians. Bernard(?) de Cluny’s Apollinis eclipsatur honours a company of mid-fourteenth-century French musicians, while in Sub arturo plebs Johannes Alanus (John Aleyn) celebrates a galaxy of English musicians active in the reigns of Edward III and Richard II. Each motet has two texted parts for solo singers above a plainchant-derived supporting line which can be vocalised, sung to the words of the original chant, or played instrumentally. i + 13 pages. ISMN 979-0-57039-019-9.
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